recipe for casein preparation

Recipe for casein preparation. Food acid casein is a protein from milk and cottage cheese, which, in our case, will be used as a fixing glue for our whitewashes. Casein is an excellent fixative because it does not alter the velvetiness and deep matte of the lime. Nevertheless, to use it it is necessary to prepare it so that it turns into glue. The interest of adding lime to casein is the reduction of costs and its efficiency. Lime, less expensive, allows the treatment of important surfaces. This mixture has therefore been used for a very long time in decorative painting. But it is not its only application. It is worth mentioning its practical and ecological aspect, without great danger, as opposed to treatments requiring the use of dangerous alkaline products such as ammonia, with ammonium carbonate, for example. Here is our recipe.

To make casein glue, it will be necessary to react it with an alkaline because it is acidic. The different possible alkalis are borax, ammonia, ammonium carbonate. Those being chemical, they will not interest us. Only lime, natural, has been used for a long time for this simple preparation.


on the one hand take 1 volume of casein to be diluted progressively in 2 volumes of water, let impregnate during 1 hour while stirring from time to time.

on the other hand to take 1/2 volume of lime paste that you will dilute in 2 volumes of water.

To wait 1 hour approximately then to pour gently the mixture water and lime in the mixture water and casein while turning rather quickly.

let rest another 1/2 hour.

add 1 or 2 or 3 volumes of water in order to obtain a syrupy consistency. Then let stand until the lime settles to the bottom of the container.

Then recover the casein carefully leaving the lime at the bottom of the pot if you wish to make a casein painting. In the case of the lime whitewash you can put everything in the whitewash.

Your glue is thus ready to be diluted according to the application you wish to make of it, or to be incorporated in a whitewash at a maximum rate of 10% of the weight of the lime.

For its conservation, keep in the refrigerator and if you need to extend the conservation time, add a few drops of clove essence.

Be careful, if your prepared casein is too old, the glue effect will diminish. I wish you good preparations

Recipe for the preparation of casein. Food acid casein is a protein from milk and cottage cheese, which, in our case, will be used as a fixing glue for our whitewashes. Casein is an excellent fixative because it does not alter the velvetiness and deep matte of the lime. Nevertheless, to use it it is necessary to prepare it so that it turns into glue. The interest of adding lime to casein is the reduction of costs and its efficiency. Lime, less expensive, allows the treatment of important surfaces. This mixture has therefore been used for a very long time in decorative painting. But it is not its only application. It is worth mentioning its practical and ecological aspect, without great danger, as opposed to treatments requiring the use of dangerous alkaline products such as ammonia, with ammonium carbonate, for example. Here is our recipe.

To make casein glue, it will be necessary to react it with an alkaline because it is acidic. The different possible alkalis are borax, ammonia, ammonium carbonate. Those being chemical, they will not interest us. Only lime, natural, has been used for a long time for this simple preparation.


on the one hand take 1 volume of casein to be diluted progressively in 2 volumes of water, let impregnate during 1 hour while stirring from time to time.

on the other hand to take 1/2 volume of lime paste that you will dilute in 2 volumes of water.

To wait 1 hour approximately then to pour gently the mixture water and lime in the mixture water and casein while turning rather quickly.

let rest another 1/2 hour.

add 1 or 2 or 3 volumes of water in order to obtain a syrupy consistency. Then let stand until the lime settles to the bottom of the container.

Then recover the casein carefully leaving the lime at the bottom of the pot if you wish to make a casein painting. In the case of the lime whitewash you can put everything in the whitewash.

Your glue is thus ready to be diluted according to the application you wish to make of it, or to be incorporated in a whitewash at a maximum rate of 10% of the weight of the lime.

For its conservation, keep in the refrigerator and if you need to extend the conservation time, add a few drops of clove essence.

Be careful, if your prepared casein is too old, the glue effect will diminish. I wish you good preparations